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Agile Vs SAFe

Scrum vs. SAFe: Which Agile framework is right for your team ?

What is Scrum ?

Scrum is an Agile framework in which small, self-organized teams deliver high-quality software quickly. Scrum development values simplicity, creating adaptable teams that make deliveries based on stakeholder input. To make this work, Scrum devs break large projects into small steps.

By building cross-functional teams, Scrum empowers devs to address multiple issues and project types. Its small team structure also maintains productivity and cost-effectiveness as requirements change. Smaller teams also ensure every dev knows who to talk to about specific issues. This streamlined setup fosters collaboration and lets team members review their work more thoroughly.

Scrum development relies on three key roles :

  • Product Owners : align a Scrum team’s goals with customer and stakeholder expectations. They can also provide feedback or insight on product requirements.
  • Scrum Masters : oversee a Scrum team and Scrum processes. They remove dev obstacles, keeping team members productive and on task.
  • Scrum Teams : work with the above two roles to complete the goals outlined in each sprint planning phase. They’re the boots-on-the-ground employees who build a product.

Pros and cons of Scrum

To better understand Scrum, here are its main advantages and drawbacks.

Pros :

  • Optimized dev processes.
  • Emphasis on the end user’s wants.
  • Fast delivery times.
  • Fast delivery times.

Scrum is an Agile framework in which small, cross-functional teams self-organize to meet changing requirements and quickly deliver high-quality products.

Cons :

  • Difficult to scale to larger projects.
  • Requires teamwide training.
  • Dev cycles may not always align with project deadlines.

Who is Scrum best for ?

Scrum complements small organizations and independent teams. In particular, you should use Scrum if your devs run up against :

  • Frequent input from stakeholders and customers.
  • Changing deliverables teams must adapt to.
  • Increased risk : migrating an application with known problems may result in increased risks after migration.
  • Short turnaround times before delivering high-quality products.

What is SAFe ?

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) helps organizations set objectives and meet customer demands. Whereas Scrum relies on narrow focus and small teams, SAFe is more comprehensive. It coordinates multiple groups and leaders to deliver products too large or complex for Scrum.

SAFe exchanges Scrum’s flexibility for a more rigid structure. While it offers continuous development, SAFe sets objectives that vary by team. However, these different groups complement one another and work toward the same end goals. To manage this organization, SAFe incorporates three core tenets :

  • Lean Product Development : reduces waste and optimizes processes. This cost-effective approach maintains productivity during continuous development.
  • Agile Software Development : involves incremental changes made on the fly. This iterative approach accounts for feedback and new demands. While less flexible than Scrum, SAFe still makes room for fast adaptations in development.
  • System Thinking : is a dev approach that builds solutions holistically. When designing a product, teams would incorporate all aspects of the system. This approach highlights how all parts of a system relate and fit into larger systems.

SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) is an organizational approach in which specialized teams collaborate to meet internal obiectives and customer demand.

Pros and cons of SAFe

Like Scrum, SAFe’s pros and cons lend themselves to some teams more than others.

Pros :

  • Agility and a competitive edge for businesses.
  • Increased cooperation between teams.
  • Added barriers to prevent product issues.
  • Improved operations at an enterprise level.

Cons :

  • Poor fit for small businesses and startups.
  • Teams must learn shared Agile language.
  • Relies on a more rigid, top-down framework.

Who is SAFe best for ?

SAFe works best for organizations that practice Agile at an enterprise scale. Specifically, it suits organizations that :

  • Oversee multiple teams.
  • Follow a top-down approach to leadership.
  • Build complex, cross-team solutions.

Key differences between SAFe vs. Scrum



Deciding between Scrum vs. SAFe requires careful consideration. Leaders need to weigh their resources and goals against the demands of each framework. While learning about Agile takes time, it can revolutionize your approach to development. With the right approach, you can meet customer needs and turn your organization into a well-oiled machine.

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